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Tell Him I Am Faint With Love

Loving Yeshua because He loved me first is my life. There is no meaning to existence without Him. But sometimes expression of passion for Him can be distracting for others or even embarrassing for them to witness. I am thinking of a verse in the Song of Songs that reveals this:

“If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother’s breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me.” Song of Songs 8:1

What this verse means is that the expression of deep love and passion for Him may seem inappropriate to others. Perhaps if He was just a natural brother, after the flesh, it would be okay to kiss Him and show love and affection in public. But He is not. He is God. So sometimes we hold back in order to avoid the disapproval of others. We shouldn't.

I so relate to the Song of Songs, the passion and the fervor and the fire and the zeal of that great love expressed by God to Israel, by Yeshua to His Beloved, and by His Beloved back to Him. I do not read the Song as a man-focused marriage manual as many, if not most, teach this book today.

The truth in the Song of Songs is way beyond a natural, earthy focus. The relationship of the lovers in the Song of Songs and the expression of their love is transcendent and of the eternal realm. Receiving the revelation of the Song transports the one loved by God to a realm not of this world.

My constant prayer to God is for truth in the inward parts – true, authentic, genuine, faith and passion for Him. It is the key to the Kingdom and to the restoration of Israel and the nations. Consider this Word from the Song of Songs:

“O daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you – if you find my Lover, what will you tell Him? Tell Him I am faint with love.” Song 5:8

This is the voice of sold-out love and affection for Messiah Yeshua spoken to Israel by one who loves the Messiah of Israel. This longing and single-focused quest for Him supersedes every other desire.

When the daughters of Jerusalem see that this love for Him is so authentic, so fierce, so desperate, so passionate, they want to know about Him, too. Consider these words, spoken by the daughters of Jerusalem after observing the quest of the one seeking Him:

“How is your beloved better than others, most beautiful of women? How is your beloved better than others that you charge us so?” Song 5:9

It is obvious that her deep love for Him has so stirred the daughters of Jerusalem that they now want to know about Him, too. The door to speak of Him to Israel has been opened wide and His virtues are then proclaimed until they reach the “exhausted-by-love” exclamation by the one who loves Him:

“His mouth is sweetness itself; He is altogether lovely. This is my Lover, this my Friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.” Song 5:16

There is just nobody like Him. This expression of great love for Messiah is received by the daughters of Jerusalem. They have judged the one who speaks as being authentic, faithful, beautiful and true in her love for Him. They have been changed and they now seek Him, too:

“Where has your Lover gone, most beautiful of women? Which way did your Lover turn, that we may look for Him with you?” Song 6:1

Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, strength, with all our passion, until we are faint with love is the love that will draw Israel to their Messiah. He calls us to this depth of love. He calls us for the salvation of Israel (Rom. 11:11) and for His Glory.

“….If you find my Lover….tell Him I am faint with love.” Song 5:8

Cathy Hargett

Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.

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