While our foundational calling at Highway to Zion Ministries remains the same, in these days (2024) we are realizing that the vision God gave us has been transformed into deeper reality in terms of His worship being above every part of every vision or calling.
Here is our our original description of the ministry: Highway to Zion Ministries is a Messianic organization dedicated to the worship of Yeshua ha Mashiach, the restoration of Israel, and the revelation of prophetic destiny for the people of God.​
This description is still true, but today the priority of worship has become elevated over every part of our mission and vision statements. His worship pervades every gathering and every part of what He has called us to do together for the Kingdom. We are realizing that the Lord is uniting us in Messianic worship as it comes out of Zion and goes throughout the world. The Light of the Lord is going forth from Zion.
We remain devoted to proclaiming the truth about God's covenant with Israel. This is the foundation of the faith of every believer who believes in Yeshua. We are totally committed to the Messianic mishpacha in the Land and in the nations. We believe that the "fullness of the Gentiles" is the understanding and living out of the Word of the Lord concerning these things.
We continue to support Israel in prayer, finances, and proclamation of the truth of the Word of the Lord. We are partnering with believers in the Land in every aspect of Israel's restoration - salvation, evangelism, discipleship, aliyah, humanitarian aid, and support for the challenges of the war with terrorists, that at this writing continues on. We praise Him for decades-old friendships and covenant relationships.
We praise Him for the global mishpacha of believers who are preparing the way for the return of Yeshua to His throneroom and dwelingplace in Zion. The prophetic revelation of the restoration of Israel and the return of His people from Israel and the nations is being fulfilled in our day. Let His Kingdom come and His will be done as Jerusalem becomes the praise of the earth and our King Yeshua is exalted among the nations. Bless you, servants of God!
Worship ~ Restoration ~ Revelation
Thank you for visiting us! As the prophetic Word of the Lord unfolds in these awesome days, we are praising Yeshua for the unity of Messianic Jews and Gentiles who are traveling together on the highway to Zion!
We are rejoicing and in awe to be participating with Him in the restoration of Israel and the ultimate restoration of all things when Yeshua ha Mashiach returns.
Believers everywhere are hearing the call of the Ruach that these are the days of Elijah. We are in a season of release into the destiny we share corporately and into our own personal spiritual destiny.
We realize that this is the appointed time to favor Zion and that One New Man is rising in obedience to God's call to prepare the way of the Lord and to build up the highway for the people (Ps. 102:13; Eph. 2:15; Isa.40:3; Isa. 62:10-11).
Highway to Zion Ministries was formed as a place for expression for His people who are hearing the call to worship the God of Israel together, to teach both Jew and Gentile of God's Word concerning Hebraic roots of our faith, to actively participate in supporting Messianic Jewish believers in Israel with finances and practical service, and to release believers into their understanding of prophetic destiny being tied to Israel.
We believe that the restoration of Israel, according to the Scriptures, is coming to pass. We believe that when this understanding is fully embraced, we will fulfill the greatest commandment, the absolute and total worship and devotion and love of God as commanded in the Sh'Ma (Dt. 6:4-5). It is our desire to delight the Lord, to obey Him, and to work with Him, according to His divine direction outlined in His Word.
Please read through our site and let us know if you have questions or want to know how to be part of our ministry - we are located in the Charlotte, NC area of the USA and offer many opportunities to fan the flames of your heart for the God of Israel and your understanding of how your prophetic destiny is tied to His Word concerning Israel.
In addition to our work in Charlotte, we also serve in other areas of the USA and regularly offer spiritual and prophetic travel trips to Israel.
We believe we are in the days of the final move of the Lord on this planet and that we will soon see revival, restoration and the Kingdom coming to earth in the person of Yeshua ha Mashiach.
Photo courtesy of Lydia Holly