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Some of You

As I was seeking the Lord for ministry direction this year, He on

ce again planted in my heart the wonder and the awe of realizing that He is real, that our faith is real, that our hope is real, and that not only is He doing everything He said He would do, that we who are following hard after Him are spiritually real. This is our real life. We are running on the high places in the race He marked out for us. He has planted eternity in our hearts. His Kingdom is most surely coming to earth.

I am continually amazed at the marvel of realizing that we who call on the Name of Yeshua haMashiach are eternal, ageless beings, and that we, as frail as we are in the natural realm, are the ones He has tapped and filled with His power to do His exploits in the earth.

Which brings me to the point of this article – please read this:

“Some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins, will raise up the age-old foundations…..” Isaiah 58:12

He says the words to us, ”some of you”. He is speaking to us! We are these people! Can you hear this? He is saying something profound – “some of you” will do these things in this last day.

Let those words sink in. He is speaking to Israel, to His Jewish people, and He is speaking to us, the Gentiles in the nations. He has called us in this day to rebuild the age-old foundations, to return to Him.

But He is not calling us to manmade faith or to a Gentile God. He is asking us to rebuild on the foundations of the covenant that He established with Israel. Our God is the God of Israel. Our Messiah is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Yeshua haMashiach. The Ruach haKodesh has breathed life into the people of God from ancient days.

In order to grasp this, we must return to the ancient paths. Our “Christian doctrines” must be totally changed to include the basic foundations of who we are as followers of Yeshua. We must embrace all of the Word. If we do not, we will never know the fullness of our Elohim and what He is doing in the earth today. The Messianic Kingdom is coming. The Messianic Kingdom requires Messianic Faith.

This step into the embrace of the age-old foundations must happen and will happen before the fullness of time. We must realize who our God is and the plan He has to unite Israel and the nations. There is no question that the God of Israel will ultimately receive all the glory from every creature, tribe and tongue.

If you understand this, embrace your calling – you are called to join ranks, join hearts, with others who are part of the “some of you”. Some of you are called to rebuild, to proclaim this Word about returning to the age-old foundations. Some of you are trumpets in the spheres of your influence, to speak, proclaim, and declare this truth that the return to the age-old foundations is our next step in this prophetic age. Don’t take this lightly.

Some of you will proclaim the truth about the God of Israel and our Messiah Yeshua. Some of you will be part of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David. Some of you will be part of raising up One New Man. Some of you will exult in the worship of the One True God and cause others to desire this passion for Him, too.

Some of you will prophesy. Some of you will speak in tongues. Some of you will be used to heal the sick, raise the dead, to work miracles. Some of you will sound the shofar. Some of you will do exploits. Some of you will love and care for others with divine love. Some of you will exhort, encourage, lead, teach, help and serve. Some of you will sing songs of the Lord.

Some of you will take your place beside Israel and join with her and be part of helping the Jewish people return to the Land He promised. Some of you will carry Israel’s sons and daughters back to the Land. Some of you will be part of the restoration of all things when our Yeshua returns. Some of you will see the perfection of the Garden Eden restored to what He intended it to be. Yes, some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins.

Some of you will run on the edge of eternity as the Messianic Kingdom enters the atmosphere of planet earth and is established in Yerushalayim where the King of all Kings sits on His throne.

“Some of you” will hear this.



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