The Crown

It started sometime this summer and it has continued throughout the Succot tour to Israel in October, and now when I’m back in the States, it’s still in my heart and in the eyes of my spirit. I see this “picture” – and it’s a crown – a beautiful crown….a crown of splendor.
I’ve seen it in different “picture episodes”, sometimes in dreams, and sometimes when I’m wide awake but I’m seeing those glimmers of this picture in the Spirit pass through my heart. It’s not every day that I “see” it, but it is most days. I decided that I should tell you about it.
This crown is magnificent – it is so shimmery and lavish and exquisitely covered in precious jewels, all different colors, sparkling, with lights like fire bouncing off each beautiful facet. The part that sits on the head is more like a headdress or a turban with a crown laced around, perhaps with a Yemenite look to it. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen with my natural eyes.
And sometimes I “see” this crown on Yeshua’s head or in Yahweh’s hand or on the head of a Priest and sometimes, it’s on my own head, and I am at this very crowded festive banquet with many others pressing in all around, and they are all joyous and shiny and glittering with shalom, very excited and loving each other with so much grace and tenderness – very rich-with-love people, dripping with Him.
But this crown continues to come to my mind….a promise perhaps? A prophecy? A reassurance? A total mystery?
I’ve tried to “organize” my thoughts about it – but I can’t settle on any one concept – I am sharing it with you now as an exhortation and even as I write I have that “witness” in my inmost being , a stirring inside because I believe you will receive something from the Ruach as I share and you read these thoughts. Abba, please speak your Word to our hearts and we will cherish it. We know Yeshua ha Mashiach is very near.
Perhaps, you will see the King Himself crowned with many crowns (Rev. 19:12)……Or Yahweh, with Jerusalem as the crown in His hand (Isa. 62:3)…….or the turban crowning the High Priest with the words “holy to the Lord”(Ex. 28:36-37)……or the Jewish people returning to the Land like jewels crowning the Land (Zech. 9:16)…..or yourself as the wife of the Lamb with Yeshua wearing the New Jerusalem as the crown (Rev. 21:10; Prov. 12:4a)….. or the crown of thorns that brought life and hope to us all, beauty for ashes (Matt. 27:29; Isa. 61:3)…… or the crown of joy when He restores all things (Isa. 35:10)….
Be blessed, friends, and fix your eyes on things above (Col.3:1-4). You will find that you are touching a fragment of what is to come. I can’t explain it but I pray you will receive a deposit of the Spirit as you ponder these things.
“…….You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God” (Isa. 62:3).
Shalom and love in our soon-coming King,
Cathy Hargett
Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.