Holding it Together
Blessings and Shalom, Dear Friends, in the Name of Yeshua haMashiach!
Have you experienced times when it just seems that everything is out of control and it seems almost impossible to hold it together? Maybe the struggle is in your own mind - swirling thoughts, colliding every which way? Is it the constant barrage of words and information, coming at us in all directions - social media pounding away into our consciousness 24/7?
Or maybe it's the bizarre, and increasingly absurd, political, social and cultural atmosphere swirling out of control that continually fuels the chaos? It has become so common to hear believers and unbelievers alike speak of how they have never seen times like this before.
Sometimes I stare and inwardly gasp in disbelief at the words and tone and attitude of people I have known and respected for years as people of God. It's like the alien spirit of this age is gaining on us in seeking to control this planet, battling for our allegiance and our mental, emotional and spiritual sanity.
In the midst of this balagan, I desperately seek to obey the Lord. (A balagan is a modern Hebrew term which means a disorderly, confusing, and/or overwhelming situation - basically, just a "mess"!)
I search the Word. I cling to passages of Scripture that help me -
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isa. 26:3 NIV
"...make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Then God's shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Messiah Yeshua...." Php. 4:6-7 CJB
"We demolish arguments and every arrogance that raises itself up against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah." II Cor. 10:5 CJB
It is truly a bloody battle and there is only One with the blood that will silence this war that is raging.
Suddenly, standing before me in my spirit is this One who hushes the insanity and the chaos. Seeing Him standing there brings me to silence. He rescues me even from my own striving to obey the Word.
I find myself confronted by the Firstborn Over All Creation. The noise ceases, the demons flee, chaos becomes order, evil is crushed, foolishness turns to righteousness, darkness turns to light, fear turns to hope.
Awe of Him sets in. Be quiet. Selah. He created everything. This includes everything on earth and in heaven, the things we can see and the things we can't see. He created all the powers, the rulers, the authorities. Everything created was by Him and for Him. (See Col. 1:15-17)
And then comes the reassurance that overcomes all the torments -
"In Him all things hold together." (Col. 1:17)
Friends, things are not out of control as they may seem to us. Yeshua is holding all of creation together, and that includes each one of us. Nothing is out of His control. No matter how chaotic it looks and feels to us, in Him all things hold together.
Let's not panic. Let's be still. Breathe in and breathe out - receive His Spirit. It is okay. All is well. He is holding everything together.
To our glorious Elohim, be all the glory, adoration, worship, honor and praise.
Love to you in our Messiah Yeshua,
Cathy Hargett
Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.