A Word from the Lord - Revival of Worship in the Galilee
What I am about to share I do believe is a very important revelation for all of us who are seeing the signs of His appearing. These are some things the Lord has spoken to my heart in a way that has a prophetic unction from Him that tells me I must share with others.
Many of you know that I recently returned from a trip to Israel in September. I have been to Israel many times, and my heart is always there, but this was a different type of trip. I was not leading a tour. The focus was to connect and have some real quality time with friends and ministry partners in the Land. It was an intimate time of synching hearts with the mishpocha.
I want to share some things that I saw in the Spirit when I was there, as I am already beginning to see the things I saw starting to unfold. I realize now that I should have shared this with you immediately when I returned, as I know it is from the Lord and it is so encouraging for all of us in the trials of these days to see the power of God hovering over His people. I am learning to listen and I pray He helps me get better about my "response time"!
One of the most profound spiritual revelations I received while I was there was this sense that the Lord is reviving the worship and the zeal of His people in the North. Most of you know that when the term, "the North", is used in Israel, it does refer to the Northern part of Israel and particularly, the Galilee.
To get right to the point, what I saw was that there is a revival of worship coming out of the North. It is accompanied with a strong expression of unity among the believers in the Galil. All over the area, there are groups of believers who are meeting together, mostly in their home "kehilas" (congregations, assemblies).
One of the most well-known of these worshipers is Josh Aaron, who has opened a "Music House" where people gather on Sunday evenings. Believers from Israel, and also internationals, are flowing there for worship.I do believe the Lord is especially anointing Josh Aaron and his friends as leaders in this revival of worship.
But there is a spirit of worship that is flowing all over the Galilee...we have many friends there who we love and honor who are also pouring out the Oil and the Wine from the North, people like Caroyn Hyde of Heart of G-d Ministries, Karen Davis of Kehilat haCarmel, Chaim Malespin of Aliyah Return Center, those leading worship in small home groups scattered all about, with many younger worship leaders. It was such a blessing to be led into deep worship in a small home group in Poriyah by a 20 year old musician/worshiper when I was there this time. The younger people are moving into a deep level of worship and the older people and leaders are not pushed out - it is a true family of authentic worshipers being raised up.
This spirit of worship is springing up in Israel - among Israelis and those living in the Land - those who were born in the Land or who have made Aliyah - who moved to Israel as part of the fulfillment of the last day prophecies of the Lord. It is striking in its purity and guilelessness. It is happening in small groups and all around.
In the Haifa area, at Mt. Carmel Assembly, the gathering is a combination of Jew and Gentile, of locals and internationals, who are flowing in the revelation of "mishpocha", who understand that we are "family". There is a genuineness of faith and love and loyalty, an authenticity of love for Elohim and each other. So, the worship is also flowing down from Mt. Carmel in the North.
My heart rejoices as I remember the words of Yeshua, "meet me in the Galilee". As my time in the Land continued and as I moved from the North down South towards Jerusalem, the flow of the worship continued like a River flowing down, and like the Oil flowing down over Aaron's garments.
I see this revelation of worship and unity in the Ruach flowing from the North over the Land...worship flowing like a River of Oil down and over and saturating into the Land of Israel. In Jerusalem, I saw and witnessed some of this same anointing. In my heart, I knew that the origination of the flow was coming from the North, from the Galileans, the salt of the earth people, not self-conscious, but Yeshua-conscious, true heart-worship, with much joy, too!
But in one particular place, in Jerusalem, the flow of worship was so thick that a sound began to come from the worship leaders and the worshipers who had gathered in a 24/7 house of worship on Mt. Zion. It's hard to describe that sound. Again, it was a remarkable outpouring of the Spirit. A sound began to come out of the bellies of those in the room...not high-pitched or dramatic, but deep-inmost-being sounds, which maintained a long "hold" of sound just floating through the air similar to the sound of a Shofar - tekiah hagadol. I believe it is the the Sound of the Spirit rising from inside the temples of the Lord, His people.
I am telling you these things because I do believe, as one friend said, that we are going to see that worship will release revelation and the awesome love for God and the return back to God. As a result of it, the recognition of Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel is going to pour over the Land of Israel and then it will go out the ends of the earth from Zion.
I know that the Lord is telling me that we at HTZ are to sow into the worship in the Land, the worship out of Zion, that this is something He is raising up. We are to come alongside, to be part of this worship. We are to go there when we can and be part of the worship coming out of the North and all over the Land of Israel. We are to support it financially to help it flow out to the nations. We are to join our hearts in worship with our family, the mishpocha in the Land. This pure worship must be guarded in our hearts and released from our inmost beings for His great glory. This is about worship of our God out of Zion.
I pray that as you have read these words, that your spirit has engaged with eternity and that you heart is resonating to the Word of the Lord about all of this. Seek Him, worship Him, let eternity rule and reign in your heart. These are the days just before the 7th Trumpet blasts. Yeshua is on His way, my friends. I so long for His appearing!
Glory to our Elohim, the one true God, the God of Yisrael - Abba, Yeshua and Ruach.
So much love to you!
Cathy Hargett
Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.